INSIDER'S GUIDE: Getting Involved at Austin City Hall

This January, BG blog is giving you the exclusive insider look on the upcoming City Council session. Subscribe to get the first look on everything you need to know about City Council this year.

The new year is a time where we strive to be better. For many, this can mean to lose that extra holiday weight, to quit bad habits and so on, but this can also mean striving for better in our community. Unlike other New Year’s resolutions, there is less information available on getting involved with our Austin government.

So what can you do to make Austin better?

Austin has 89 citizen-led boards and commissions, where members of the community like yourself can influence policy being made in our city by speaking directly with elected council members.

So what even are Austin’s boards and commissions?  

These groups are appointed by respective Council members and the Mayor cover all aspects of Austin life- from land use (Planning Commission; Zoning and Platting Commission; and Board of Adjustments); economic development (Tourism Commission; Visitor Impact Task Force; and Economic Prosperity Commission); and parks, pools, transportation, waste water, and so on.

Whatever you think can be improved in Austin, there is a board and commission dedicated to improving that area. Boards and commissions have set meeting dates, so find which best fit your schedule.

Interested in having your voice heard by city council?

Boards and commission seats are continually becoming available for appointment by all members of City Council and the Mayor. You can learn more about the boards and commissions applications and vacancies at the link below.

Please feel free to reach out to us for advice on applying at Also you can subscribe to the Bingham Group email newsletter to stay in the know about what’s happening in City Council even if you can’t attend the board and commission meetings.

If you cannot commit to regular meeting, you can also participate on specific council meetings in general citizen communication and on specific agenda items. Visit City Council’s website to find what dates you have your voice heard.

The Austin City Council convenes for regular business on Thursday, January 31st.

Helpful links below:

Boards and Commissions Information Center (City of Austin)

  • Information on every board and commission including open seats and term expirations.

How to apply for an Austin Board or Commission

BlogAJ BinghamCity Hall, Austin